Roses are red, violets are blue, Newaygo area, we’re bringing Truestream to you!
After 17 loooonnnggg months, we are happy to announce that the necessary permits are approved, and we are ready to move Truestream into our Newaygo service area!
Five circuits in our Newaygo service area will see construction starting in the spring of 2022.
In-home installations expected to begin in the fall of 2022.
Complete your registration today!
Don’t miss out on the best internet around. Register by March 18 and complete the necessary paperwork by April 8 to qualify for FREE in-home* installation ($149 value!) and to get on our construction schedule.
Once you complete your registration, we will send you the necessary documents to complete before we can design, build, and bring the fiber line to your home or business (the drop). The fiber drop will follow the path your electric line takes, either overhead or underground.
Circuits and construction timelines for additional areas in Wayland will be announced later this year.