Since it was established in 1984, the East Jordan Care & Share Food Panty has made a big difference in the East Jordan area by helping feed families in need. Now, nearly 40 years later, the pantry is growing strong.
That’s thanks to the hard work of its dedicated staff, board of directors, and volunteers and the generosity of the community.
And since early 2022, the organization’s efforts have had a big boost from the pantry’s Truestream internet service.
Laura Czaja, who has served as the organization’s executive director since October of 2022, said much of that growth the pantry has seen in recent months is thanks to the fast, reliable Truestream internet service it now has at its headquarters.
Laura said before Truestream, the pantry struggled with the reliability of its internet service. She said staff, volunteers, and board members would often have to use their personal devices on their personal data plans to access the internet – often at their own cost.

Laura said in her time as director, she’s made a major effort to use Facebook as a primary communication tool for the pantry. She uses it to reach out to the community for donations and fundraising, share news and updates on pantry hours, and make sure people in the community who need assistance know how the food pantry can help.
In recent months, the pantry has seen an approximate 30 percent increase in its clientele base. The pantry typically serves about 55 families, which translates to roughly 160-175 people each month.
“We are here to help people, and we can’t help them if they don’t know we are here, what we offer, and how they can get help,” Laura said.
In recent months, the pantry has seen an approximate 30 percent increase in its clientele base. The pantry typically serves about 55 families, which translates to roughly 160-175 people each month.
“We are here to help people, and we can’t help them if they don’t know we are here, what we offer, and how they can get help,” Laura said.
The pantry is usually open from 2-4:30 p.m. on Tuesdays and from 9:30 a.m.-noon on Thursdays. However, because of its recent growth, Laura is considering adding Saturday hours.
Knowing fast, reliable Truestream service is available will allow the pantry to explore many more options in the future. Having board meetings that are a hybrid of online and in-person and offering videoconferencing to connect with clients who can’t get out to visit the pantry are just a few examples.
Facebook has also been a key tool in recruiting more volunteers to the pantry. It helped Laura recruit 17 volunteers to help with the pantry’s 2022 Community Christmas distribution.
“We never could have done it without Facebook, which I can always reliably access when I need to,” Laura said.
The ability to reach out to the community regularly has also increased contributions – both in food and cash – by about 25 percent in recent months.
Laura also said Truestream’s fast, reliable internet service is also important for the regular online ordering she does to help fill the pantry’s shelves and for grant research and applications.
The pantry also has phone service through Truestream, which Laura said has also been very helpful because some cell service can be unreliable at the pantry.
“With Truestream as a partner, the East Jordan Care & Share Pantry is ready to continue making a difference in the community for many more years to come.
Laura said knowing fast, reliable Truestream service is available will allow the pantry to explore many more options in the future. Having board meetings that are a hybrid of online and in-person and offering videoconferencing to connect with clients who can’t get out to visit the pantry are just a few examples.